Good morning FivebalanceUSA. 2021 is almost in the rear view mirror. We had a lot of accomplishments this year, and a few set backs and disappointments. Let me start with the set backs first.
- The IOS version of the app. not really a set back, but Apple wants fees/in app purchases for just about everything. our motto here at FivebalanceUSA is everything is free for the user. (Unless you purchase a premium membership) Having a totally free to use app is proving a challenge to use with Apples model. We have come to a consensus on how to move forward with them, but it will require a slate of regular in app purchases which we have not obtained as of time of writing. (If anyone out there has a business that wants to sell merch, get at me.) We expect to have that issue resolved and have a permanent vendor by February in which I can then commission the IOS version of the app. 2. Listing on major exchanges. As you all know, we have applied to EVERY major exchange in existence. The problem that we see here which is an unspoken fact, exchanges say one thing, and do another. We’ll use Coinbase for this example. Coinbase initial rules stated during the listing process states that your coin has to have a real use case, that you can not be pumping the price, that you have to have special code installed, and your team has to be free of any legal issues. We met all of those requirements and more. But then Coinbase threw the rule book out the window when the Meme coins took off, so in their greedy quest for profits, rules were rewritten on the fly. The new unspoken rule is you have to have an active community. PERIOD. If Coinbase can’t make money on fees, your app will sit in the applications abyss such as ours is currently (10 months and counting) I suspect that the others are that way also, but Coinbase was the most obvious with it thus the reason for using them in this example. Now for the positive. So many things not sure where to start so I’ll just go over the bigger things. Revamped App. Revamped business model, Interest from Mucker Capital, Revamped, website, A solid presence on Google search, Multiple new team members with specialty fields, revamped coin structure, An LLC parent Company to provide transparency, and a legal presence for business matters,A chat feature inserted into the app, new educational and informative articles, revamped social media sites, new media partners, new image branding, new Fivebalance merch, major partnership with Volunteers of America to provide services, That was to name some of the more obvious positive changes, there are many more that would make this already outrageously long post even longer. I’ll be taking care of legal matters these next couple of weeks in regards to annual reports, and tax preparation, and then it will be back to running this Company. For 2022 the focus will be marketing, marketing, marketing. I really don’t want to launch our services with the V.O.A without the trade volume of the FBN Coin in the minimum of the 1 million/24 hour range, so we will be hiring a major pr firm to handle public relations and marketing. We’ll also be having a 1 year Anniversary party in Miami so keep an eye out for that. In concluding I want to say thanks to all of those that stuck with us, we’re not done (Facebook launched in 2004 ,15 years before success) We’re just getting started. Nasdaq being the ultimate goal. have a happy and safe New Years. See you on the flipside!
James (Tone) McCoy CEO of FivebalanceUSA